China Attractions » Henan Atrractions » Xiangguo Temple

Xiangguo Temple

Located in Kaifeng, in China’s Henan Province, the Xianguo Temple was first constructed in the Northern Qi Dynasty (550-557). The temple is in the western section of Kaifeng City and is one of the ten most famous temples in Chinese history. It played a very important role in the development of Buddhism in China.

During the Tang Dynasty (618-907), the temple was rebuilt and given the name Xianguo by the Emperor Ruizong and in the Song Dynasty (906-1279) it became an international Buddhist center and many foreign envoys came from around the world to see it. The existing buildings were built during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). The buildings are built on a north-south axis, as are most ancient temple and palace complexes in China. The main buildings in the temple are the Mountain Gate, Hall of Heavenly Kings, Sakyamuni Hall, Arthat Hall, and Sutra Hall.

Hall of Heavenly Kings
In the center of the hall is a statue of the Laughing Buddha. On either side of him are the four Heavenly Kings, each holding a different weapon. Behind the Laughing Buddha is a statue of General Wei Tuo, the protector of Buddhist followers.

Sakyamuni Hall
The main hall of the Xianguo Temple, this hall is centered on a statue of The Buddha, Sakyamuni. On either side of him are two other Buddhas.

Arhat Hall
The Arthat Hall is an octagonal pavilion which houses a statue of the Avalokitesvara Boddhisattva. The statue was carved from the trunk of a giant gingko tree during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). The statue has 1,048 hands.

Sutra Hall
This hall is where Buddhist Sutras are stored. The roof ridges have glazed lions on them.





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